
The resources use a data model that is supported by a set of client-side libraries that are made available on the files and libraries page.

There is a WADL document available that describes the resources API.

name path methods description
  • /rs/applicationDiagnostics
  • POST
REST resource that provides the ability for API consumers to access and create diagnostics packages for the application
  • /rs/agent/command
  • POST
Allows commands to be input to FC Server at a lower level. FC Server has commands that operate at level just above the UDP layer. It is these commands that are executed during this call. As of July 18th, 2017, there is only one allowed command available to TransferAgent, the SITE command. The SITE command allows users to execute chown or chmod commands on files on an instance of FCServer
  • /rs/agent/config
  • /rs/agent/config/{property}
Allows users to read and set multiple TransferAgent configuration values. This call can be used to set all configurations seen at the TransferAgent config page
  • /rs/agent/connect
  • /rs/agent/connect/connectivityTest
  • /rs/agent/connect/siteConnection
  • /rs/agent/connect/{connectionKey}
  • /rs/agent/connect/connectivityTest/{connectionKey}
  • /rs/agent/connect/{connectionKey}/removeKey
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
Connects TransferAgent to a given instance of FCServer. There are four resource available: a standard connection request, a connection request to FCWeb, a connection to FCWeb TwoWay feature, and finally a connection using the FC site feature. Important to note that "connect" is one of two REST services that provide a connection key for a given set of connection parameters. "Connect" is different from the other connection service, "register", in that it immediately tests the connection to the server. This means that the connection to the server must be established before the response of this call is returned. The connection code returned by this REST call is used in a large set of the REST services that TransferAgent provides. Any REST calls that directly interact with a server will use the connection code in order to determine which server the client is trying to connect to.
  • /rs/agent/currentagent/clientsfromsession
  • /rs/agent/currentagent/clientsfromtask
  • /rs/agent/currentagent/sessions
  • /rs/agent/currentagent/tasks
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
Retrieves a list of task and session information. A task is defined here as predetermined transfer; parameters such as an execution time, the files to transfer, the destination, max bandwidth, packet size, etc. are all set. This group of established transfer settings makes up a task. A session represents the current transfer taking place. A session can represent the transfer of a single file, or the transfer of a group of files. A group of files transfered will have the same session ID.
  • /rs/agent/graph/agentrates
  • /rs/agent/graph/clientrates
  • /rs/agent/graph/rates
  • /rs/agent/graph/sessionrates
  • /rs/agent/graph/taskrates
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
Returns all data points and values of a given data set necessary in order to construct a graph of said data. Used to update UIs and the front end. Each of calls below return a list of rates in terms of a different search criteria. The "segmentCount" parameter in each call represents the number of time segments the requester wishes to record data for. The default value for the length of a time segment is 1 second. If the segmentCount is set to 7 for example, the desired rates will be recorded for 7 seconds and the data collected over that period will be returned to the requester. The list returned is a list of TransmitRateTimeSliceModel objects. Each objects corresponds with one time segment, meaning that if you enter 7 in your segmentCount parameter, you will receive a list of 7 TransmitRateTimeSliceModel objects. The returned list will be arranged in ascending chronological order, meaning the earliest time slices will be displayed first. Information on the model and the data that gets returned can be found in the description of TransmitRateTimeSliceModel
  • /rs/agent/heartbeat
  • GET
Detects whether or not the TA is running.
  • /rs/agent/httpinterface
Retrieves and modifies list of network interfaces used to access TransferAgent. Allows the specification of a single or multiple addresses that can be to communicate to TransferAgent
  • /rs/files/localfile
  • /rs/files/localfile/{file}
Allows modification of files stored on the TransferAgent host machine. Files can be renamed, moved, deleted, or have the details retrieved. Note that for any of the follow calls that requires a file path to be entered, if virtual roots are enabled, then any supplied file must have a valid virtual root.
  • /rs/files/local
  • /rs/files/local/filter
  • /rs/files/local/{directory}
  • GET
  • POST
  • GET

Similar to /files/localfile/ and /agent/path, this resource retrieves the file listing form the local machine.

Note: The difference between this resource and /agent/path is that this resource will list all virtual paths as file roots, if there is one or more virtual path declared inside of TransferAgent. If there are not virtual paths declared, this resource will return the default file roots.

Note: The difference between this resource and the /files/localfile/ is that this resource cannot perform any file operations, just retrieve file listings. Some calls under this resource use the "sortby" parameter, which takes one of four inputs: "name", "size", "lastmodified", and "type". The "type" parameter sorts files by their extension,

  • /rs/agent/logfile/clientlog
  • /rs/agent/logfile/clientsessionlog
  • /rs/agent/logfile/masterlog
  • /rs/agent/logfile/sessionlog
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
Retrieves logs from TransferAgent. This is one of two resources used to retrieve TransferAgent logs, but this resource should be used over the other. There are four methods used to retrieve logs. Each method uses a different criteria to filter the results. The four filters are; clients IDs, client session IDs, session IDs, and a master filter, which returns all available logs
  • /rs/agent/logs
  • /rs/agent/logs/postClearLog
  • /rs/agent/logs/postTwoWayLogsToFCWeb
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST
Retrieves logs from TransferAgent. This is an older resource that should be avoided if possible. It is still used by FileCatalyst Express, but it is slowly being phased out.
  • /rs/agent/origins
Allows users to retrieve, update and add origins to the TA's origin list
  • /rs/agent/path
  • /rs/agent/path/{directory}
  • GET
  • GET
Retrieves the local file listing. This call will not list any virtual files
  • /rs/agent/register
  • /rs/agent/register/{connectionKey}
Allows TransferAgent to connect to a server without actually establishing a connection until it is needed. Any "on connect" actions such as creating a directory will not be performed. The connection test will be done when the next transfer to the supplied server is started
  • /rs/agent/remoteControlAuthorization
  • /rs/agent/remoteControlAuthorization/{id}
Resource that allows the user to authenticate for a Remotely Controlled session in the TransferAgent.

Note: This REST resource only functions when the 'Remote Control' feature is enabled within the TransferAgent's currently license key. If the option isn't currently enabled, then calls to this resource will reply with RESTFault objects.
  • /rs/files/remotefile
  • /rs/files/remotefile/{file}
Allows access and modification of remote files. "Remote" in this case means files and directories stored on an instance of FCServer. Remote file listings can be retrieved and files can be renamed or deleted. Remote directories can be created. For all calls, file paths are given relative to the selected FCServer user's root directory. The user is selected based on the connection key supplied
  • /rs/files/remote
  • /rs/files/remote/{directory}
  • GET
  • GET
Retrieves file listings from a users directory from an instance of FCServer. The "sortby" and "invert" parameters described here function the in the same way as calls to the localfile resource. The "sortby" parameter takes one of four inputs: "name", "size", "lastmodified", and "type". The "type" parameter sorts files by their extension.
  • /rs/agent/reports
  • /rs/agent/reports/data/export
  • /rs/agent/reports/periodic/export
  • GET
  • GET
Allows access to TransferAgent's reports. Reports differ from logs in that reports are numerical statistics describing file and transfer characteristics. For example transfer rate, file size, transfer time, etc.
  • /rs/agent/serviceStatus
Controls TransferAgent's status as a service. Allows TransferAgent to be installed or uninstalled as a service. Also allows TransferAgent to be enabled or disabled. Services must be enabled before they are allowed to be started upon startup of the host machine
  • /rs/agent/shutdown
  • GET
Allows the shutdown of the TransferAgent.
  • /rs/agent/siteStatus/{siteID}
  • /rs/agent/siteStatus/connectivityTest/{siteID}
  • GET
  • GET
Allows retrieval of the status of sites associated with TransferAgent
  • /rs/agent/sites
  • /rs/agent/sites/{site}
Allows modification of the FC sites feature. FC sites are groups of data representing a connection to a given instance of an FCServer. Sites store connection information, supported features, and transfer settings defaults
  • /rs/agent/status
  • /rs/agent/status/{transferid}
  • GET
Retrieves the status of TransferAgent transfers
  • /rs/agent/system
  • /rs/agent/system/{property}
Allows users to read and set host machine system configuration values
  • /rs/agent/tasks
  • /rs/agent/tasks/{task}
Allows retrieval, creation, and modification of tasks. FC tasks are groups of data representing preconfigured transfers. Tasks store information such as a schedule to perform the transfer, a source and destination, and transfer settings (bandwidth, packet size, etc)
  • /rs/files/transfer
  • /rs/files/transfer/cancel
  • POST
  • GET
Old method used to transfer files. It works the same way as "rs/files/transferRev1". See that call for details

This method is deprecated. Use "/rs/files/transferRev1" instead
  • /rs/files/transferRev1
  • /rs/files/transferRev1/cancel
  • GET
Transfers a given set of files from a specified source to a specified destination. Files are transferred using the following method. First, obtain a connection key using either "/rs/agent/connect" or "rs/agent/register". Next, populate the request payload following the example below. Transfer using this call always use two connection keys. One is the key generated by the register or connect calls, the other is simply "local". To indicate an upload, the "local" key goes in the "SourceConnectionKey" field and the generated key goes in "DestinationConnectionKey" field. To indicate a download, the reverse is true. Finally, the "filelist" field must be populated. Files listed in the "filelist" field must be full paths. Remote files start with a backslash, local file are full paths to locations on local machines.
  • /rs/agent/userDetails
Retrieve or set data for a particular user. Currently, TransferAgent is only be able to set a user's email address and full name
  • /rs/agent/userPermissions
  • GET
Allows modification of a given user's permissions
  • /rs/agent/version
  • GET
Retrieves the version of the installed instance of TransferAgent
  • /rs/agent/virtualPaths
Allows retrieval and modification of virtual paths within the TransferAgent. Virtual paths are used as a method for restricting local file listings within the TransferAgent. If virtual paths are defined with the application, the local file system listing will only contain files / directories that the current virtual file lists point to.
  • /rs/agent/visuals/client
  • GET
Retrieves the information necessary to populate diagrams. Similar to GraphImplResource, this resource delivers various transfer statistics used in some diagrams in FC products
  • /rs/agent/weblink
  • /rs/agent/weblink/cancel
  • /rs/agent/weblink/id
  • GET
  • GET
Accesses, creates, and deletes weblinks within the TransferAgent. FC weblinks are URLs that can be distributed to arbitrary clients who can use them to download files to their local machines

Data Types


type description
APOBasicModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostDeltaModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostHeaderFooterModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPreDelayModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
AdaptedMap An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
AdminPermissionType Enumeration of connection status types
AdvancedProgressivesOptionModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
AdvancedProgressivesOptionType Enumeration of congestion control types
AdvancedProgressivesOptionsModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
AllTransferStatusModel Model containing a list of TransferStatusDetailsModel objects. The list represents all current transfers using the instance of TransferAgent
AvailableFileOperations Enumeration representing available file operations for /rs/file/localfile and /rs/file/remotefile
CommandModel Model used to contain the necessary data for running generic commands. Used with /rs/agent/command
ConnectionKeyModel Model that contains the key created by either /rs/agent/connect or /rs/agent/register. This key must be used whenever a remote operation is used against a server instance
ConnectionRequestModel Model containing all of the connection information needed to connect to a server
ConnectivityTestAdapatedMap A helper class that makes it so XML serialization formatting is possible with the Maps of ConnectivityTestResults
ConnectivityTestEntry A helper class that makes it so XML serialization formatting is possible with the Maps of ConnectivityTestResults
ConnectivityTestResult Model containing test results from a call to /rs/agent/siteStatus/connectivityTest. An object that contains all of the test results. Each result returned contains a code and an error message. Possible values for the code are:
  • 0 = Connectivity test was not run
  • 1 = Connectivity test was successful
  • 2 = Connectivity test failed
The error message contains a value only if there was an error.
ConnectivityTestResults Model that contains the key created by either /rs/agent/connect or /rs/agent/register. This key has to be used whenever you make a remote operation against a server instance.
DataItemModel Model used to contain the values that are used to modify configuration values in TransferAgent. Used with the /agent/config resource
DataItemsModel Model used to contain a collection of DataItemModel objects
EmptyModel Shared model that contains nothing. Used mainly to demonstrate a successful call that does need a response body. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FileObjectModel Shared model containing all details of a file retrieved the from the local machine. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FileObjectsModel Shared collection model representing multiple FileObjectModel objects. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
FileOperationModel Model that contains information needed for renaming, deleting, or creating directories on the local file system. Used in conjunction with certain calls to /files/remotefile and /files/localfile, this model is used as the request body when POSTing file commands using those resources
FilterModel Model that represents a criteria to be used to filter a set of files. It is passed in as field to FilterRequestModel
FilterRequestModel Model containing all information necessary to filter a given set of files. This call is used to prep sets of files for transfer. The filter request holds two file lists; one is the list of files that have passed the filter already and are queued to be transferred, and the other is a list of files to be filtered that will potentially be added to the queued files. The list of queued files will be filtered on every call to this resource, so that if the user wishes to re-filter the queued files with a different filter, they can.
FilterResponseModel Model representing the response from a filter request
GenericIDModel Shared model designed to hold a generic list of IDs. It is used mainly in mass delete calls. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
GenericResponseModel Shaerd model designed to return general responses to the user. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
GraphModel Shared model used for calls to GraphImplResource. Contains all necessary information to create a graph in a UI. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
HeartbeatModel Model used to tell if the TA is still running
HttpInterfaceModel Model used to specify the address to communicate with TransferAgent
IDListModel Shared collection model used to store simple IDs. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
LogFilesModel Shared model that contains a list of logs. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
LogsModel Shared model that contains a list of logs. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
MungedConnectionRequestModel Model containing a PGP encoded connection request used in the agent/connect POST call
NetworkInterfacesModel Model used to display network addresses
OldTransferFilesRequestModel Model used in the original files/transferfiles call. Use TransferFilesRequestModel and files/transferfilesRev1 instead
OriginModel Model containing a single origin or IP address
OriginsModel Collection model containing multiple OriginModel objects
RecurrenceType Enumeration of recurrence types. Used in conjunction with calls that use tasks
RemoteFileOperationModel Model containing information needed for renaming, deleting, or creating directories on remote servers
RemoteGenericIDsModel Model used to provide generic IDs to FCServer. It extends the GenericIDModel by adding a connection key field allowing connection to an FCServer. Similar to GenericIDModel, this model is used mainly for mass delete calls in conjunction with files/remotefile
ReportModel Model containing standard statistical information relating to a given transfer
ReportsDetailsModel Model containing a list of reports for a given server ID
ReportsRequestModel Model containing the information needed for looking up particular reports
RestartType Enumeration representing different types of users
ScheduleModel Model representing a schedule for a given task. Used in conjunction with agent/tasks
ServiceStatusModel Shared model that retrieves the status of the given application as a service. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
SessionAuthorizationModel Shared model used to store session authorization information for a given client and session. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
SessionClientLogModel Shared model that stores all logs for a given client recorded during a given session. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
SessionInfoModel Shared model used to store information on given session with a given client. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
StatusRequestModel Model containing the query transfer ID. The status of the transfer with the specified ID will be returned
SupportedFeaturesType Enumeration representing all the features a given FC application supports
TAConnectionRequestModel Model containing all of the connection information needed to connect to a server
TAConnectionType Identifier that distinguishes what type of connection the TransferAgent is currently attempting to make
TASiteInformationModel Model containing information regarding a TransferAgent site. This model differs from TASiteModel in that this model stores information exclusively about a given site; the site's ID, its supported features, and its status. TASiteModel stores the all information necessary to represent a complete site (ie: transfer configurations, a connection request model, etc). See TASiteModel for more details
TASiteModel Model containing the information for a site. A site stores all information necessary in order to connect to an instance of FCServer, as well as configurations necessary to perform transfers
TASiteStatusType Enumeration of user types
TATaskModel Model containing all information related to a TransferAgent task. A task is a predetermined transfer that is usually setup in order to perform itself repeatedly based on a supplied schedule
TATransferSelections Enumeration that captures the available selection options for overwrite / resume options for a transfer.
TATransferTempModeType Enumeration that represents the available temp name modes that are available for the "transfer with temp name" feature
TokensModel Shared model used to represent an email. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
TransferConfigurationBaseModel Model used as a base class other TransferConfigurationModel objects. It was introduced in order to cut down on copying and pasting code
TransferConfigurationModel Model representing the configurations for a given transfer
TransferErrorModel Model containing information of all files that encountered an error during a given transfer
TransferFilesRequestModel Model used for initiating transfer requests
TransferJobStatusDetailsModel Model containing the status details of single, specified transfer
TransferSingleFileRequestModel Model used to request the transfer of a single file with a modular path
TransferStatusDetailsModel Model containing the status details for a particular transfer
TransferVisualsModel Shared model storing information used to populate diagrams and graphics related to transfers. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
TransmitRateTimeSliceModel Shared model representing certain statistics of a given transferred that have been gathered over a set block of time. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
UserDetailsModel Model containing basic information relating to a given user
UserInfoModel Shared model used to store information of a given user. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
UserPermissionModel Model containing the current permission set available to a given user
UserType Enumeration of user types
VersionModel Model containing information regarding the current TransferAgent version
VirtualPathListModel Collection model containing a list of VirtualPathModel objects
VirtualPathModel Model representing a virtual file that matches a label to a particular path
WeblinkFileRemovalModel Model used to remove files that have been transferred using FCWeblink. This model is used for removing successfully transferred files from the completed Weblink
WeblinkIDModel Model containing the ID of a given FCWeblink
WeblinkRemoveDetailsModel Model used to return the results of an FCWeblink removal operation.
WeblinkRequestModel Model used to request the creation of an FCWeblink
WeblinkResultModel Shared model used to relay weblink status information. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application


Default Namespace (schema)
type description
TATransferSelections Enumeration that captures the available selection options for overwrite / resume options for a transfer.
adminPermissionType Enumeration of connection status types
availableFileOperations Enumeration representing available file operations for /rs/file/localfile and /rs/file/remotefile
TAConnectionType Identifier that distinguishes what type of connection the TransferAgent is currently attempting to make
TATransferTempModeType Enumeration that represents the available temp name modes that are available for the "transfer with temp name" feature
Namespace (schema)
type description
sessionAuthorizationModel Shared model used to store session authorization information for a given client and session. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
sessionInfoModel Shared model used to store information on given session with a given client. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
userInfoModel Shared model used to store information of a given user. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
connectionRequestModel Model containing all of the connection information needed to connect to a server
emptyModel Shared model that contains nothing. Used mainly to demonstrate a successful call that does need a response body. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
fileObjectModel Shared model containing all details of a file retrieved the from the local machine. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
fileObjectsModel Shared collection model representing multiple FileObjectModel objects. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
fileOperationModel Model that contains information needed for renaming, deleting, or creating directories on the local file system. Used in conjunction with certain calls to /files/remotefile and /files/localfile, this model is used as the request body when POSTing file commands using those resources
genericIDModel Shared model designed to hold a generic list of IDs. It is used mainly in mass delete calls. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
genericResponseModel Shaerd model designed to return general responses to the user. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
graphModel Shared model used for calls to GraphImplResource. Contains all necessary information to create a graph in a UI. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
IDListModel Shared collection model used to store simple IDs. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
logFilesModel Shared model that contains a list of logs. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
logsModel Shared model that contains a list of logs. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
serviceStatusModel Shared model that retrieves the status of the given application as a service. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
sessionClientLogModel Shared model that stores all logs for a given client recorded during a given session. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
transferVisualsModel Shared model storing information used to populate diagrams and graphics related to transfers. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
transmitRateTimeSliceModel Shared model representing certain statistics of a given transferred that have been gathered over a set block of time. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
weblinkResultModel Shared model used to relay weblink status information. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
APOBasicModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostDeltaModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPostHeaderFooterModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
APOPreDelayModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
advancedProgressivesOptionModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
advancedProgressivesOptionsModel REST Model That Contains Status Information Data For A Client Connection On The HotFolder
tokensModel Shared model used to represent an email. 'Shared' models are models that used by more than one FC application
dataItemModel Model used to contain the values that are used to modify configuration values in TransferAgent. Used with the /agent/config resource
adaptedMap An adapter map object that converts normal Java-based Map collections and translates them into proper XML
dataItemsModel Model used to contain a collection of DataItemModel objects
restartType Enumeration representing different types of users
userType Enumeration of user types
advancedProgressivesOptionType Enumeration of congestion control types
allTransferStatusModel Model containing a list of TransferStatusDetailsModel objects. The list represents all current transfers using the instance of TransferAgent
commandModel Model used to contain the necessary data for running generic commands. Used with /rs/agent/command
connectionKeyModel Model that contains the key created by either /rs/agent/connect or /rs/agent/register. This key must be used whenever a remote operation is used against a server instance
connectivityTestResult Model containing test results from a call to /rs/agent/siteStatus/connectivityTest. An object that contains all of the test results. Each result returned contains a code and an error message. Possible values for the code are:
  • 0 = Connectivity test was not run
  • 1 = Connectivity test was successful
  • 2 = Connectivity test failed
The error message contains a value only if there was an error.
connectivityTestResults Model that contains the key created by either /rs/agent/connect or /rs/agent/register. This key has to be used whenever you make a remote operation against a server instance.
connectivityTestAdapatedMap A helper class that makes it so XML serialization formatting is possible with the Maps of ConnectivityTestResults
connectivityTestEntry A helper class that makes it so XML serialization formatting is possible with the Maps of ConnectivityTestResults
filterModel Model that represents a criteria to be used to filter a set of files. It is passed in as field to FilterRequestModel
filterRequestModel Model containing all information necessary to filter a given set of files. This call is used to prep sets of files for transfer. The filter request holds two file lists; one is the list of files that have passed the filter already and are queued to be transferred, and the other is a list of files to be filtered that will potentially be added to the queued files. The list of queued files will be filtered on every call to this resource, so that if the user wishes to re-filter the queued files with a different filter, they can.
filterResponseModel Model representing the response from a filter request
heartbeatModel Model used to tell if the TA is still running
httpInterfaceModel Model used to specify the address to communicate with TransferAgent
mungedConnectionRequestModel Model containing a PGP encoded connection request used in the agent/connect POST call
networkInterfacesModel Model used to display network addresses
oldTransferFilesRequestModel Model used in the original files/transferfiles call. Use TransferFilesRequestModel and files/transferfilesRev1 instead
originModel Model containing a single origin or IP address
originsModel Collection model containing multiple OriginModel objects
remoteFileOperationModel Model containing information needed for renaming, deleting, or creating directories on remote servers
remoteGenericIDsModel Model used to provide generic IDs to FCServer. It extends the GenericIDModel by adding a connection key field allowing connection to an FCServer. Similar to GenericIDModel, this model is used mainly for mass delete calls in conjunction with files/remotefile
reportModel Model containing standard statistical information relating to a given transfer
reportsDetailsModel Model containing a list of reports for a given server ID
reportsRequestModel Model containing the information needed for looking up particular reports
scheduleModel Model representing a schedule for a given task. Used in conjunction with agent/tasks
statusRequestModel Model containing the query transfer ID. The status of the transfer with the specified ID will be returned
TAConnectionRequestModel Model containing all of the connection information needed to connect to a server
TASiteInformationModel Model containing information regarding a TransferAgent site. This model differs from TASiteModel in that this model stores information exclusively about a given site; the site's ID, its supported features, and its status. TASiteModel stores the all information necessary to represent a complete site (ie: transfer configurations, a connection request model, etc). See TASiteModel for more details
TASiteModel Model containing the information for a site. A site stores all information necessary in order to connect to an instance of FCServer, as well as configurations necessary to perform transfers
TATaskModel Model containing all information related to a TransferAgent task. A task is a predetermined transfer that is usually setup in order to perform itself repeatedly based on a supplied schedule
transferConfigurationBaseModel Model used as a base class other TransferConfigurationModel objects. It was introduced in order to cut down on copying and pasting code
transferConfigurationModel Model representing the configurations for a given transfer
transferErrorModel Model containing information of all files that encountered an error during a given transfer
transferFilesRequestModel Model used for initiating transfer requests
transferJobStatusDetailsModel Model containing the status details of single, specified transfer
transferSingleFileRequestModel Model used to request the transfer of a single file with a modular path
transferStatusDetailsModel Model containing the status details for a particular transfer
userDetailsModel Model containing basic information relating to a given user
userPermissionModel Model containing the current permission set available to a given user
versionModel Model containing information regarding the current TransferAgent version
virtualPathListModel Collection model containing a list of VirtualPathModel objects
virtualPathModel Model representing a virtual file that matches a label to a particular path
weblinkFileRemovalModel Model used to remove files that have been transferred using FCWeblink. This model is used for removing successfully transferred files from the completed Weblink
weblinkIDModel Model containing the ID of a given FCWeblink
weblinkRemoveDetailsModel Model used to return the results of an FCWeblink removal operation.
weblinkRequestModel Model used to request the creation of an FCWeblink
recurrenceType Enumeration of recurrence types. Used in conjunction with calls that use tasks
supportedFeaturesType Enumeration representing all the features a given FC application supports
TASiteStatusType Enumeration of user types